Monday, August 28, 2006

having fun with technology

the naive me thought the stomach pain was gone because i could survive pretty well without medication on sunday. on monday morning, on my way to school, the pain struck me most unexpectedly. i did not bring my medicine along and i was already out of my house. the usual stubborn me thought that pain would subside. BUT, it got worse and it was so unbearable that i have to skip my eg tutorial just to revisit the same doctor.

"i cant detect any physical or serious problem. it should be intestinal problem and stomach wind."

how helpful right? anyway, i went home as fast as i could because we (goi and i) had to make a trip down to SGH to visit our dear fat and uncle-ish HQ. what was he down with? same as me!!!! some stomach virus infection too!!!! his was like the more serious case of mine.

the main point is the ever clever me bought my laptop with ONLY the ac adapter there because my battery is currently dead. and for some reason, we could only detect wireless network at this cafe at the ground floor. but we could not use the available power plug to use my laptop because the unfriendly staff refused to. what the hell!!! so we went to this so-called internet room and we still could not use the wireless network. we even went along the corridor to try to tap on the network but it did not work except that both goi and i looked like idiots then. to make things worse, this rigid lady who was working there told us a whole list of "CANNOT DOs". i got so pissed off with her that i just packed my stuff and leave. didnt she know that never mess with anyone when one is trying to get things work?

our next stop was this lobby area, hoping that the network could work because we were relatively nearer to the cafe than the room. it still could not work. so we were left with the last option which was the shop opposite the cafe. luckily, the shop owner was the second kind soul i met in the hospital. she allowed me to use the ac power after much pleading. yes! i am a persistent person. we still could not connect. what the hell!! then, suddenly goi had a brilliant idea.

"try opening internet explorer"

the singnet page appeared and we finally realised after much shifting that we needed to sign in. what a waste of time and effort. argH! anyway, we had lots of fun after we got the connection and 2 people owed goi and i a big favour. =) i will be expecting something more than plain water. we maybe the most deperate ac power lookers in the hospital today but it is definitely worth it to go an extra mile for friends i care for. HQ, please get well soon because goi and i have a surprise for you and we are sure you will like it because it is so you.

i will bring my medicine to school tomorrow. remind me to eat them!!!

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